The purpose of Winter Wishes is to tangibly and emotionally help students who may be genuinely struggling in obtaining various needs. The funds raised through Booster Club may be used for, but are not limited to, food, clothing and comfort items.
A few examples of wishes made this year ...
New shoes for ____ because hers are breaking down and her family doesn't have money to replace them.
"I wish for the ARHS admin team to sing Winter Wonderland at the assembly."
"A winter jacket because I don't have one."
The Winter Wishes program is funded entirely by donations. If you are able to make a donation of money, gift cards, purchase items or use our Amazon Wish list, we would be immensely appreciative of any and all donations received.
If you would like to help ARHS Booster Club meet the needs and wishes of students this winter there are a few options…
Monetary Donations: Click on the donate button below to donate directly to our Winter Wishes Fund. This fund will be used entirely to fulfill wishes.
COMING SOON: Amazon Wishlist items may be purchased and sent directly to Auburn Riverside, to the attention of Winter Wishes. {Amazon Wishlist link}**Select "Gift Registry Address/Jason Simonson" when given the delivery option**
Gift Card Donations may be brought into school and turned into the front office Winter Wishes drop off.
Adopt-A-Family: We would love for our various club and team boosters to contribute by adopting a family in need.
Partner with us as we partner with student voices to foster an increased sense of community within our school. Thank you for your support!